3/08/2005|||111027559717659697||||||SECOND THOUGHTS AT THE INDY
Yes, definitely a wobble at the Independent, but they're doing their best not to be too gracious about it in the main editorial (subscriber-only) buried inside the paper.
Yes, it was heartwarming to see Iraqis voting in free elections and, yes, these elections could probably not have happened without the removal of Saddam.
I love that "probably".
UPDATE: Scott Burgess, of the Daily Ablution, gives Cornwell & Co a solid fisking. "Hold their feet to the fire, Scott," says one of his commenters. I smell burning. |||Clive|||http://clivedavis.blogspot.com/2005/03/second-thoughts-at-indy-yes-definitely.html|||3/08/2005 09:50:00 am|||||||||